In March this year, we launched our extensive customer satisfaction survey. Over the space of two weeks more than 100 of our current customers answered a number of questions, which will help us benchmark our performance and work towards improving service delivery in the future. Steve Hayes, Quality Manager at BPE Aerospace Ltd, was the lucky winner of an Apple IPad; his name was drawn at random from the list of all clients that provided us with their feedback.

Steve Hayes, Quality Manager at BPE Aerospace Ltd, won the latest Apple IPad as a thank you for providing his feedback
As a part of our extensive improvement programme, we were interested in finding our customers’ opinions on a range of performance indicators, such as overall quality, speed and accuracy of response, delivery, price competitiveness, etc. We were keen to find out what we did well but we were also equally interested in hearing about areas where our performance was falling short of expectations.
We were pleased to learn that 88% of our current customers thought that our overall service quality was excellent. Furthermore, 81% believed that the speed, at which respond to their needs meets or exceeds expectations, and in 74% of the cases we delivered our services on time. Also 81% thought that we responded adequately to needs based on their requirements.
At Caparo Testing Technologies we pride ourselves on our ability to stay close to our customers, and we are pleased that 89% of you thought we listen and understand your business needs very well. 87% of all respondents said we provide great customer service and 71% said we respond to your requirements with 24 hours.
At the same time you accurately identified that in the last 3 months we have not been able to always meet your needs as quickly as we normally do. This is due to the increased amount of work that we have been asked to handle; and recognising the importance of maintaining and improving our performance standards we have taken steps to recruit a number of additional qualified NDT and laboratory technicians. These have or will soon be joining our current teams in delivering our range of services to customers, and we feel certain that that will dramatically improve our delivery times and performance.
We are also grateful to customers that have requested or suggested other services that they would like us to offer. We are currently looking at the possibilities to add new services and as soon as they become available we will notify you.
To aid customers who are looking for an immediate response from us we will shortly be introducing an online payment facility. In this manner, should you have any urgent requirements our-of-hours, you will be able to use our new system to make a payment. We will then be able to dispatch one of our qualified technicians to you straight away, regardless of the time of day.
For customers outside of the United Kingdom, we are also looking to launch our website in a number of other languages, starting with German, French and Italian. We expect that these will be available within the next 3-6 months.
For more information on our services, any feedback (positive or negagive) or for a quotation please visit our website or call us on 0800 121 4602.